Monday, February 13, 2012

While pointing to a picture of himself (he usually recognizes himself immediately), he turns to me as says, "Hey Moma, Hey Momma! Who is that man?"
Parker: rambling something while standing at the baby gate that is blocking the kitchen...
Me: Parker, I can't understand you. What do you want?
Parker: with his head tilted down, his eyes rolled up, and with a look of total annoyance he said "Bag. Meat."
He wanted beef jerkey.
Parker: rambling on to Grant and David about something
After a few seconds of them trying to figure out what he was saying....
Grant: What do you want?
Parker: A hoagie!
Of course. What kid doesn't want a hoagie?
While standing in front of the tv, watching America's Funnies Home Videos (some video of an animal... I don't really remember what) I hear Parker really loudly/almost yelling say, "Ohhh. (pause) myyyy. (pause) gosshhh."
Parker asks "what happened" ALL OF THE TIME! Once you answer, his reply is always "oh."
He also asks, "what's that" and replies with "oh" or "oh cool." He also say
He has learned a few new responses to questions. I wish I could catch him on video!
When I tell him to do something or that we are going somewhere, he looks up at me with his eyes rolled up, and says, "ooohhhh kaaayy!" in a way that sounds as if he is questioning what I am telling him, like as in, "okay, whatever you say." I wish I could explain the exact way he says it, so funny!
On weekday mornings, Parker usually wakes up sometime while Jerod is getting ready for work (usually while he is in the shower so Parker does not see him). He comes into my room, climbs into bed with me and snuggles up beside me for a few more minutes of rest/light sleep. Jerod usually finishes getting ready and whispers bye and sneaks out of the house. Lately though Parker has woken up (or decided not to go back to sleep at all) and demands hugs and kisses from his daddy. Jerod will be tip-toing out of the room and Parker will lift his head and say in the smallest and sweetest voice, "Daddy, tisses!" (yes "tisses") So jerod walks over, gives him kisses and then Parker will point to me and say, "Mommy tisses!" Jerod gives me a kiss and then Parker points to Porter's bassinet and says, "baby too!" Jerod kisses Porter and then it all starts over with, "Daddy big hugs!" as he sits up in bed with his arms out wide. So sweet :)

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