Thursday, January 26, 2012


Porter is such a sweet baby boy! He is snugly and calm and pretty much just smiles and coos all day long. He has really found his voice within the past few weeks and sometimes decides to squeal/scream all day. Luckily it is a happy scream! We couldn't ask for a better behaved baby. Although he still gets up every 2-4 hours during the night, he just gets his milk and goes back to sleep. He is so chunky! He is in the 80th percent in length and 75th in weight. He also seems to have a big head, but they didn't tell us his percentile. I imagine it was up there!
Sorry, that was alot of random info all squished together but here are a few pics we have taken over the past couple of days. Once again, I know these pics look the same to most of you but it is just too hard to pick the cutest faces, so I choose them all! It is much less time consuming that trying to pick just one! :P
He found his tongue when he was about 2 months old and has been playing with it ever since!

Have I mentioned that he literally smiles all day? I realized the other day that pretty much every pic we have of him is either smiling or playing with his tongue! I even tried to get one of him sleeping and he woke up and gave me a smile!
He rolled over from front to back for the first time on Saturday, January 14th and from back to front on Tuesday, January 24th. He has been strong enough and coordinated enough for a while now, but the poor kid just doesn't get a ton of tummy time because a certain big brother always comes and pesters him! We try to get it in as much as possible, but it is pretty difficult!

He is growing up WAY too fast. :( I need time to slow down a little!

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