Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Second Trimester

I wrote this one a few weeks ago and didn't realize I never posted it! I am really bad about that :)

Last few days of my second trimester!

So far, this pregnancy has been pretty good to me! Other than being dead tired and NOT being able to rest when I want (thanks to little Parker), all is good! I have not been nearly as sick (especially in the first trimester) as I was with Parker but I have had constant back pain and restless sleep :P ! A small price to pay though :)! I had a little trouble gaining weight in the beginning, but nothing to be concerned about. Our doctor concluded it was probably because I am chasing Parker around 24/7! As of my 5th month, I had not really gained any weight. However, things changed drastically as soon as I returned home from our trip to Aruba! That month I gained a whopping 7 pounds! Ha! I definitely made up for some lost ground in the weight department. Then I gained another 5 pounds last month. It has been pretty steady weight gain since then too!

FYI: with my last pregnancy I gained a whopping 45 pounds!! I know all of you people who had babies in the 80s or before are gasping (and your 20 pound weight gain can kiss my butt)! In fact, I was instructed to gain around 35-40 pounds so I wasn't that much over (yes, that is what I keep telling myself)! Ha! This time around, I was told to gain around 30-35 pounds since I had not lost all of my baby weight before I got pregnant again. Hopefully I can stay somewhere in that range, and I will not swell up like a roly poly like I did last time! Ha! We will see though! My philosophy is being pregnant is not a time to diet!

'I am completely shocked at how different this pregnancy is from the last! Not just the symptoms, etc. but just mentally! With Parker, I started preparing from day one! With this one, I guess I felt like I had all of the time in the world, and decided to wait until recently to really kick it into high gear! I am not sure if this is due to the fact that I am busy 24/7 chasing Parker around, or if it is just because I had some false sense of security in that I had done it before, so it wouldn't be as hard this time around. I was wrong! Ha! We now have about 9 weeks (now 8) to go and ALOT left to do! Oh well, I work better under pressure anyway.

I think this baby will be harder to name that Parker was (and for those of you who don't know, we finally agreed on Parker after being forced to choose a name on the last morning in the hospital)! Jerod and I are just too indecisive. We have a list of names we like, but have not even narrowed it down to a top 3. I am pretty sure the hardest part of having a baby is trying to pick out a name (although labor is a close second, ha)!

The closer we get to September 6th, the more nervous I get about having a newborn and 21 month old at home! I am sure the first few weeks will go okay, as Jerod plans on taking off of work some, and I am hoping visitors will be around to help (hint hint), but I have anxiety attacks just thinking of being home alone with just the two of them! I just don't think Parker is going to understand that I have to hold the baby when it is crying, or feed him when he is hungry. Not to mention that when Parker was first born, I was at least able to sleep when he slept... I have a feeling we will be pretty tired the first few months! Oh well, after a few months it will all seem normal and I won't know the difference!

I have really enjoyed being pregnant again! Unfortunately I don't have time to sit around and think about it as much as I did with Parker, but I love the feeling just as much!

I am just now starting to get into that uncomfortable stage. 2 months to go and my feet have started swelling, the baby is running out of room to move and therefore my ribs and organs feel like they are constantly being kicked and/or squished, my back hurts pretty much 24/7 and I can go from feeling great to sick as a dog in a matter of seconds! Not trying to complain... I still love every minute of it!

The most frustrating part of being pregnant so far: I really want to paint walls, furniture, etc. for the nursery and Parker's new room but I can't! I like to be crafty, so it is driving me crazy to have all of these fun projects on our to-do list, but not being able to finish any of them myself! Unfortunately I don't think Jerod finds any of these projects fun, so he kind of got the short end of the deal too!

Jerod has been a trooper with all of my recent demands! I think I am nesting, as I think that all of these house projects that don't even pertain to the baby need to get done. But he works long days and then comes home to my to-do list without even complaining! In fact, when I added the boat bed project to his list, he didn't even flinch! Well, I am sure he rolled his eyes when I looked away, but who can blame him?

So far, I have had a couple of cravings: watermelon, watermelon, watermelon (and any kind of melon, really) and recently soft serve yogurt (preferably a dip cone). My mouth is watering for watermelon right now! Jerod and I calculated that I have probably eaten at least 40-50 pounds of it in the past five months! Ha!

Thats about it! I tried not to bore you too bad! :)

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