Friday, July 2, 2010

Beach trip!

Sorry to write another long post so soon (I know you all have nothing to do but sit around and ready Parker's blog... ha!), but there is so much Parker has done over the past few weeks! I will try to keep it short :)

First of all, I know I start every post with this, but PARKER IS HUGE! I swear he grew another 6 inches! He goes back to the doctor on the 19th, so we will see how big he is then. He now eats cereal twice a day, and we just gave him bananas for the first time yesterday! We make his baby food, so a trip to whole foods is planned over the next few days to get more fruits and veges to try! He is getting ready to be a full-fledged eattin' baby!

He cut his first tooth on Friday! He has been a little extra fussy, but pretty good considering :)! Apparently Jerod cut 6 teeth by 6 months old... Lord help us if Parke follows in his foot steps! Aahh!

He is starting to try to crawl (kind of)! He gets his little legs up under him, and pushes them out, but he doesn't really go anywhere... he is starting to get the concept though!

He JUST started walking in his walker! He has been playing in it for months now, but he never realized he could go anywhere until yesterday! Jerod was sitting in front of him with a paper towel in his hand (Parker seems to be fascinated by them, perhaps because we won't let him have them?) and sure enough Parker starting walking toward him!! Don't get me wrong, I always loved and appreciated the walker, but it wasn't until now that I realized just how much! It pivots in a circle instead of going wherever he wants... which makes my life so much easier! I don't have to worry about him getting in to too much just yet! You might hear us refer to the walker as the Nascar walker due to the fact Parker continually makes left turns. Ha! Thanks again Chris and Jaimie!

It amazes us how deliberate Parker's actions are now! He will take his pacifier out of his mouth and put it back, he will pick random things up (to play with, or throw down), he sees a toy and stretches, rolls and reaches for it until he gets it (or we get it for him), he is fascinated with mouths and is constantly putting his hand in someones mouth, and I think he has figured out what drinks are! It does not matter what we are drinking, if he sees a can or glass, he grabs it with both hands and pulls it to his open mouth. Okay okay, he puts everything in his mouth, but he looks just like he is drinking!

Parke is SO STRONG now. Other than helping him with balance, he can stand by himself and even push up from a squatting position to standing straight! Good thing he has absolutely no balance or I would be chasing him around the house already!

He also has one heck of a grip! It is difficult to pry things from his tiny little hands! He also has a BAD habit of grabbing our neck or arm and pinching as hard as he can! OUCH! How do you correct a five month old again??

We just got back from West Palm Beach with Bemily. We had a blast! While we were there, we gave Parker several bottles and he figured out how to hold it on his own! He doesn't get bottles very often, so we were shocked! Little baby Parker is growing up so quickly!

Here are a few more pics from the trip!

Here is Jerod putting his feet in the water! I think he was a little afraid of the tide...

Sweet little feet print :)

Family Pic... I love Parke's expression!

Swimming in the pool... he LOVED it! And come on, how much cuter can he get? Ha!

And a few pics with his big boy sunglasses!

Aunt Barb, Jessica, Anna and Karessa came to visit us while we were at the beach! We had a blast with them, and I am so glad they got to meet Parke! :)

I love this pic... nothing like a little realness (is that even a word?)! Did you really think he smiled in all of his pics? Ha!

Big blue eyes!

Parker was exhausted after the beach trip! I love how he cuddled up with Jerod...