Friday, July 2, 2010

A really LONG update

Once again, sorry for the delay. This was written on 6/11. I am not sure how I keep forgetting to post!?!

First of all, I must start out by sharing a pic of my sweet little blog helper...

Don't you love how his expression looks like he is intently reading? Ha! If only he could proofread. I apologize for my grammar and punctuation by the way, but it's just a blog, right?

Parker now rolls over from his back to belly (as of _____). He has [almost] been doing this for quite some time (since a couple of days after the first time rolled over on his back), but he could not figure out how to get his arm out from under him until now. He still hates tummy time, however, and immediately rolls back over.

He is quite the little traveler! Not to mention his trips to Jamaica before he was even born, he has now been to Destin, L.A. and will be visiting West Palm Beach soon! Not to shabby for being 4 months old! He must get his travel hankerings from Mama Jo (this is Jerod's Mom for those of you who don't know)!

Parke had a blast in L.A.! Jerod had to go for work so Parker and I tagged along. We were most concerned about the plane rides, but he did amazingly well (SHOCKING for those of you know who know how bad he can be in the car)! We spent the days walking around our hotel/shopping and would then go see the sites when Jerod got home from work. My personal favorite was The Getty museum. We saw Monet, van Gogh, Manet, Renoir, Rousseau, Rembrandt, Cezanne, Herschel, Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Warhol, Degas, Menzel, Pissaro, Raphael and so many more!!!! I got a picture of Parker in front of van Gogh and Monet, but he didn't really appreciate it... ha! Imagine that. We also went to the famous Farmer's Market, Santa Monica Pier, Venice Beach, Malibu and to plenty of restaurants!! We had both already been to Rodeo Drive, Hollywood Boulevard, etc., so we skipped that this time (although we did drive past some of it).

The second our plane landed back in Huntsville, we got in the car and drove to Tullahoma to visit with Grandam, Papa and Aunt Pat! They came in from Missouri to visit with Parker and boy did they spoil him (and me)! By Saturday they had already taught him how to do the motorboat sound with his mouth. I know it sounds adorable (and is MOST of the time) but he has on occasion thought it was funny to do it while eating cereal! Ha!

Needless to say, it was a weekend of non-stop attention for Parker! After that, he thought he should be held every second of every day and it took me a week to get him back on schedule!!

Jerod had to be back at work that Monday morning, so he left Parker and me in Tullahoma to visit for a few more days. It was his first time really apart from Parker, and I think it tore both of them up! Luckily I got ALOT done in Tullahoma while I was there! Everyone helped me go through all of my junk in my parent's basement! For those of you who don't know, my sister and I STILL have stuff from highschool and college down there! Not any more... we pretty much emptied it out!Woohoo (I am sure my Parents are cheering louder)! Everyone helped me load up a truck (it took a box truck, that's how much junk it was), and drove me back to Huntsville on Tuesday night. While the guys were unloading, my Aunt Pat and Mom planted some flowers for me. I know this sounds ridiculous, but they are my first potted flowers and I am feeling pretty Martha-ish. Ha! I love them :). [Update as of 7/1: They are still doing good! Yay me, who knew I could keep them alive?!]

That pretty much wraps up Parke's week of traveling, but did I mention how HUGE he is now? I think he gets his height from Uncle Ben... definitely not from Jerod or me! Maybe he will average back out before it is over, but his is so tall right now!

He is such a jabber mouth these days! He talks all day, every day! He will even sometimes repeat the sounds you make. His favorite sound used to be "guh," which he would repeat over and over, but now he makes all kinds of noises. He also likes to scream really loud for no apparent reason... usually when he is playing. Too funny!

He is definitely at that state where everything goes to the mouth. It doesn't matter what it is (toes included), if he can reach it he will taste it!

He is doing pretty well with cereal! I have been mixing it with formula (which he seems to really like) but last night we ran out of formula so I tried to just mix it with water... bad idea! He literally gagged the whole time. I know it is evil, but it was so funny so I kept feeding it to him! Ha! Don't tell child services...

I think that is about it for now. We have a pretty busy next few weeks ahead of us, so I will try my hardest to post!