Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sorry it has been so long since we posted! Our friends, David and Heather, got married on the beach in Destin this weekend so we have been pretty busy with that! I figured you all might want a Parker update.... so here it is!

Parker rolled over (from belly to back) for the first time on Tuesday, April 6! He has done it several times since then, but I finally got it on video yesterday! I think it will be a LONG time before he rolls over from back to belly. HE HATES TUMMY TIME! I don't think he will ever volunteer to roll over that way!

Parker went to the beach for the first time this weekend! We didn't take him to the beach much because it was really windy and sunny, but he got to see the ocean during the wedding ceremony! Jerod and I were both in the wedding so we don' t have any pics, but the photographer got some so I will post them when we get them!

Parker is FINALLY getting on a better sleep schedule! Although we had a bad night last night, most nights he only wakes up once or twice to eat and then goes back to sleep! :)

He is getting pretty good with eye/hand coordination! It is sooo cute to see him reach for your finger or his toys (or Mom's hair). He also still loves his little play gym. He grabs the toys in his fists and shakes them as hard as he can... of course all while screaming in delight!

Speaking of screaming in delight, he is a loud little thing! He talks (okay, yells and screams) all day long! David and Heathers four year old niece, Lauren, was playing with him at the beach this weekend and came running to me to tell me that Parker said "mama!" She was sooo cute and so intent that he said it! I of course played along but it wasn't until a few days later that I realized one of his screams does sound like mama! Ha! Can I count that as first words even though he doesn't know what he is saying? Ha! Just kidding, but I still love it :)

He is very much a morning person! He wakes up smiling and laughing... it is his best time of the day!

He is getting bigger every day! He doesn't go back to the doctor for another month, but I am pretty sure he will no longer be in the 50th percentile! He is getting pretty chunky :)

Within the past few weeks, Parker has figured out how to suck his thumb. He still does not know what to do with his other four fingers so they just end up in his eyes! We try to stop him, but I think he thinks it is a game! He laughs and then does it again!

I think he knows voices now! He has known Jerod's and mine for a while, but everytime he talks to Nana (pretty much every day) on the phone he gives a big gummy grin!

He has started scooting all over the place! We will put him under his play gym and five minutes later he is two feet away!

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